Created on February 16, 2022 | Updated on April 23, 2024

5 Top Trends in Content Writing in 2024

Content Marketing
content writing

Content writing is an indispensable part of doing business.

Often exactly content defines how popular and successful your company is on the Internet. That’s why you should keep an eye on and align with the most current trends.

So, will 2024 be different from other years, and should you re-invent your content marketing strategy?

That’s a nice question.

Content still plays a huge role in a business’s development and growth. Moreover, 70% of content marketers actively invest in content marketing.

Well, should your company invest more in content creation? What are the main trends in content writing in 2024?

Continue reading to be aware of what content will be the most effective this year.


How will content writing change in 2024?

It won’t be a huge surprise if we say that everything is changing and evolving. Content writing is changing too to fit the needs of users and search engines.

Yet, before we jump straight to changes, let’s answer one question - what is content writing?

We can define content writing as planning, creating, and editing content for the web, usually with digital marketing goals.

So, what’s going to be different in this process, and how is writing evolving in 2024?

In 2023 Statista held marketing research where 50% of B2C content marketers confirmed that a budget increase could help grow content marketing effectiveness. Also last year, 61% of B2C and 56% of B2B firms* planned to increase their content marketing budgets.

That leads us to the conclusion that content shows great results and ROI. So, we expect that both B2B and B2C companies will enlarge their budgets in the current year.

Also, more B2B and B2C (25% to 16% and 37% to 28% accordingly*) companies published content daily in 2023 compared to 2022. In 2024, you can post content several times a week as major companies do. Yet, remember not to go overboard. If you are not an online publication or a news blog, posting two times a week is fine.

How frequently do you publish content?

And what about content formats?

According to the study*, there are three main content types that hold leading roles for both B2B and B2C sectors.

Text 79% Video 72%
Video 66% Image 69%
Infographics 57% Text 57%

Moreover, whitepapers and studies are in the top 10 formats. As you can see, written types of content are still holding strong positions.

2024 will be the top year for useful, original, people-first, and engaging content. Statista's study claims that 65% of B2B companies* want to make more investments in content creation. More effective content marketing planning is also on the radar.

content marketing trends investing in content

As marketers seek to produce more content to satisfy users' needs, grow higher on SERP, increase traffic, and grow sales, they find ways to make content execution more effective and time-efficient.

Content marketers use a whole stack of approaches to reach their goals from marketing automation (63% of B2B and 55% of B2C companies*) to the use of AI-based tools (28% of B2B and 53% of B2C companies*).

how important are the following topics for your company

As you can see, content continues to be the top priority for marketers. On top of that, written content is still among your best options.

If you keep in mind some essential approaches to content creation, you can grow your customer base.

So, here are five things you should consider to develop your content writing in 2024.

Users are your #1 priority

CMI reported that the most successful content marketers prioritize the informational needs of their audiences.

Putting your customers first might be the biggest success driver this year. As we mention in the previous section, esteem your users as real people.

In our previous article, we talked about the requirements for content. The key point is that content has to answer users’ queries they put into the search box.

You can create a buyer persona to better understand your audience.

That will help you ask the right questions. As a result, you will get your users’ needs better. What questions are they more likely to ask? What information will they search for? What is important to them?

Whatever industry you are in, be useful for your audience during their journey. If you know what they need or can guess the search intent, you’ll win.

Google gives advice on how to write better content for people.

how to write content

Use SEO content writing best practices

A well-thought-out content strategy is a must nowadays.

Despite content planning and further editing, you have to know what best content writing practices to employ.

Perhaps, the best advice we can give here is SEO writing.

SEO writing is content creation that takes into account both search engines and users.

Thanks to these principles, you can make a perfect blend of engaging content that will interest users and get noticed by search engines.

Order SEO content writing services. Adsy will help you reach top positions on major search engines.

Order quality content!

How to write SEO content

  1. Optimize your keywords. Professionals advise targeting 80% evergreen keywords in your niche and 20% trending ones. Use tools like Ahrefs Google Keyword Planner to find fitting keywords.
  2. Get creative with the title tag. Write headlines that answer users’ queries and engage them. Also, use a target keyword in your tag. The best-performing headlines are around 40 characters and have numbers in them.
  3. Take care of meta descriptions. Meta descriptions provide further information about your article. It should also have keywords in it and be persuasive. The optimal length is 120-130 characters. Adding meta descriptions results in 5.8% more clicks.
  4. Use headers. Headers with keywords in them not only help crawlers but also allow you to divide your content into logical sections. They make your texts more readable and improve UX.
  5. Mind content quality. Your content should be up-to-date, unique, and helpful. Additionally, create structured articles (by using H2, H3, and H4 headers), don’t make too long paragraphs (up to five lines), and use text formatting (by using bold and italics).
  6. Add visual content. 70% of companies invest in visual marketing strategies. Visuals help users perceive your content better. It can also provide further information on the chosen topic. On top of that, content with visual elements gets more shares.
  7. Put internal links. This type of link gives search engines more information about the current page and the page you are linking to. Moreover, you improve user experience as you provide more relevant information.

Use these seven rules to create optimized content that will help you shine in 2024.

SEO content writing

Personalize content

Generic content is not an option anymore.

Personalization plays a huge role throughout various content types. For example,

  • When the message and subject line in the email are personalized, the average open rate is 5.9% better, and the click rate is 0.2% better.
  • Personalized homepage promotions influenced 85% of customers to make a purchase.
  • 79% of users state they are only likely to engage with a deal if it has been personalized.
  • 87% of users surveyed shared that personalized content positively influences how they feel about a brand.

And here are many more personalization perks you can see.

Taking into account that you need to find a personal approach, you can do certain things.

Firstly, you can segment your audience. For example, Adsy’s main audience is divided into two groups - buyers and publishers. So, we create content based on their interests and needs.

Also, you can personalize your content based on the marketing funnel stage. That means users on the awareness and advocacy need a different message.

And most marketers support this approach. 71% of B2B and 71% of B2C companies* assume personalized content distribution throughout the customer’s journey is highly important.

what level of importance do you attach to distributing personalised content in your company along the customer journey.png

Diversify your content

Smart content marketers know how to diversify and repurpose content.

Nowadays, one type of content is not enough to grab users’ attention. So, your writing should go beyond blog content creation only.

A great piece of news is that you can make various content types out of your blog articles. Turn them into infographics, combine elements to create social media content, and so on.

For instance, we at Adsy also convert our blog articles into audio form and publish them on the podcasting platform. This way, our customers can choose what content format is more fitting for them.

Many industry leaders like Neil Patel or Ahrefs turn their blog posts into videos. Thanks to this, they palpably enlarge their coverage and can reach new audiences.

Of course, when creating content, mind the most prominent types of content for 2024. That allows you to interest users and repurpose articles or other content more effectively.

Written content still rocks

We’ve already mentioned that text formats remain the top priority for both B2B and B2C companies.


  • 55% of B2B marketers use whitepapers,
  • 32% of B2C marketers use whitepapers,
  • 42% of B2B marketers use studies,
  • 19% of B2C marketers use studies.

But why is written content still so popular and important?

Firstly, articles can explain complex topics. On top of that, you can create long or short posts to support customers during their journey.

Secondly, you can grow brand awareness and turn users into loyal customers.

Thirdly, written content helps your site’s SEO. And that might be the biggest reason you should use this form of content.

As you write in-depth, unique, and relevant content filled with correct keywords, you help Google understand your site better. That results in a higher ranking on SERP and better visibility.


Content writing is evolving and changing based on trends and situations in the world.

If we define content writing in 2024, it will go around personalization, pandemic influence, and putting your customers first.

Challenge yourself to become the number one source users appeal to when searching for solutions or answers.

What will determine your content marketing strategy in 2024? What approach will you use? Share your thoughts in the comments.

*data marked with an asterisk sign is based on Statista's 2023 Content Marketing Report and Statista 2022 Content Marketing Report; pictures #2 and #4 are from the same reports.

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