Created on February 17, 2021 | Updated on September 16, 2024

Why Choose SEO Writing Services (+ 7 Elements of SEO Writing)

seo writing services

Why are we talking about SEO writing services and SEO writing today? Isn't well-composed content enough to attract people?

Well, maybe it was possible a couple of decades ago. Nowadays, the situation has changed drastically. Professionals understand that SEO content writing is what stands out their sites from competitors.

Being in line with SEO trends is essential. That's how you ensure people can discover your content. Moreover, you stay open to changes and become more flexible.

According to Backlinko, Google employs 200+ factors in its algorithm for ranking websites. Can you keep track of all the changes personally? Most probably not. That’s why you need a little help from SEO writing services.

Moreover, will share seven powerful SEO article writing tips. This way, you’ll know exactly what elements your content should include in order to rank better.


What is an SEO writing company?

Firstly, let’s get acquainted with some main definitions. What does differ this writing service from others?

SEO writing company is a service that specializes in content creation that takes into account all SEO peculiarities to help rank texts higher on SERP.

And this SEO aspect is truly vital for modern copywriting. Though quality content is still valuable, it’s not enough.

The point is, that some writers can create top-class articles that are literate and informative. Thus, without special signals, it will be impossible to rank them high on SERP.

And an SEO writing company will ensure you receive content with all essential elements to grow the positions of your website.

Benefits of SEO content writing service

So, can an SEO content writing service help you more than a freelance copywriter?

Definitely yes!

First and foremost, you can be sure that you get only top-class texts. A professional content writing service cares about its reputation, so it partners with thoroughly picked writers. You won’t need to worry about the content quality.

Of course, such agencies will take all SEO aspects from the very beginning. You won’t have to re-work your texts and add keywords, optimize headers, etc.

Also, you won’t spend hours finding a writer who understands your niche and has some expertise in it. You just need to state the category you are interested in and the writing company will send it to the right copywriter.

Besides, all the processes are automated. You just need to pick what you need. Then you can sit back and relax. The tracking of your task progress will also be available. So, you always know how your articles are doing.

There is a variety of SEO blog writing services nowadays. So, you have to pick a worthy one. We, at Adsy, have helped clients grow their businesses for over a decade. We partner with professionals to bring you the best SEO articles.

Order SEO articles now!

And now let’s move to the second part of our article. Now, you will learn more about SEO writing and the essential elements it needs to have.

What is SEO writing?

Before jumping to the tips list, let's see what SEO writing is.

SEO writing stands for content compositions with both SEO and readers in mind.

This way, search-optimized writing goes far beyond putting lots of keywords in your text. It should combine a variety of elements to perform awesomely on SERP.

So, writers should not only create outstanding content but also mind every part that stands behind it. Accordingly, that includes not only how you write. Think of some technical staff like meta tags, descriptions, headers, and so on.

The next part of our article will tell you more about the peculiarities of SEO writing for 2024.

1. Optimize keywords

Sure thing, writing for SEO cannot go without keywords. Keyword research is the core of it all.

Often, even an article from the most popular author won't perform great online if it has no keywords. So, don't forget about them.

ContentMender CEO Ron Lieback recommends:

Target 80% Evergreen Keywords; 20% Trending Keywords.

And we clap back to this advice. It's too hard to build your content around trending topics only, minding the fast-changing environment.

Moreover, trends come and go. That's why your article can lose its topicality right after it gets crawled by Google.

Using evergreen keywords is super smart. If you can rank for these words in the top ten results, Google might rank you for approximately 1,000 other relevant keywords (according to Ahrefs).

How do you find keywords for SEO writing?

Start from your buying persona. Try forming words that will fit the persona's search intent. Take into account what CTAs will work better for your users.

Use keyword research tools. Well, there are a lot of them nowadays. You can proceed with Google's Keyword Planner or services like Keyword Surfer or Keyword Sheeter.

Don't forget about Google Trends. That's your source of current and the most promising searches users might have.

seo content writing

Employ related keywords. These are Google's suggestions you find at the bottom of the page or once you type your keyword in the search box. Related words will help you send stronger signals to search engines about your content.

Of course, after you publish your content, don't forget to track its performance. You have special tools like Semrush in your hands.

Check if the chosen keywords are working as you've planned. If not - try finding related words or phrases. Sometimes even a slight change may give you a second wind.

2. Get creative with a title tag

Saying that title tags are important is an underestimation. It's the first touchpoint for the search engine. That, mainly, shows what your post is about.

And as you engage with SEO article writing, your title tag should align with your search optimization goal.

Once again, compose a title tag that engages users and sends the right signals to search engines.

What are the best practices for title tags?

First and foremost, build your title around your target keyword. Moreover, try using it at the very or close to the beginning of your heading. Many professionals claim that such titles tend to work better.

seo articles writing

Also, keep it short and clear. Many sources recommend keeping the title's length between 30 to 50 characters. Yet, the top professional publications state that titles around 40 characters perform the best.

Besides, there are more tricks to writing titles. Search Engine Journal reports that titles with numbers have 36% more clicks. Ahrefs adds that titles in the form of questions receive 14.1% clicks through.

An emotional message in your title will work positively for you, while powerful words can decrease the CTR.

3. Mind meta description

Now let's get straight to what appears right under your title tag - a meta description.

It was surprising for us to learn that 40.61% of pages have clipped meta descriptions. But if you look at the SERP, you'll see proof of this statement.

writing for seo

Does this mean that you shouldn't write them? Of course not! Meta descriptions' presence results in 5.8% more clicks. So, how do you compose them right?

SEO writing tips for meta descriptions

Like title tags, we recommend keeping meta descriptions short and sweet. Many professional issues say they should be 150-160 characters long. Yet, some specialists suggest cutting them to 120-130 characters.

Remember that a keyword in your meta description is a must-have. Google highlights the keyword (if found) in the meta description in bold. This way, users get one more confirmation that your article has relevant information to their query.

Also, clearly depict what your article is about in the description. Try using the "problem-solution" approach to convince users to check it.

Grow your blog with quality content. Choose Adsy as your SEO article writing service!

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4. Don't forget about headers

Nowadays, top SEO writing examples will include thoughtful and thorough work with headings.

Simply put, headers are text element that divides it into sections. Each section covers a certain subtopic relevant to your article's topic.

Undoubtedly, headings help readers understand if your article is what they've searched for. Just think of how you get acquainted with the post. Most probably, you look through the text and read headings.

This way, you instantly know what's inside the content piece and if you will read it. With this in mind, let's see how to write clever headers.

What are the headings' best ideas?

Don't make them too long. Briefly tell what this part will be about.

Of course, add keywords to your headings. Yet, remember that this should look natural. With that said, don't go overboard.

Use H2 and H3 to keep your content well-structured.

seo writing tips

5. Concentrate on content quality

Content quality also refers to SEO blog writing.

Quality for years has been an inseparable part of how marketers create content. Google itself appeals to bloggers to "write well." Moreover, content that is authoritative, expertise, and trustworthy will be in favor.

How to succeed in writing top-tier SEO content

Of course, your article should fully illustrate what the title says. So, don't try to trick your readers with some generic clickbait headings.

Ensure your article is well-structured. As we've mentioned above, you can do this with H2 and H3 headings' help. Also, lists (numbered or with bullet points) will support this aim perfectly.

Don't make paragraphs too long. Make them four sentences max. In addition, mind the word count in sentences. Do not make them longer than 20 words.

In paragraphs, combine one long and two short sentences. Or use three to four middle-length sentences. The point is to avoid long passages that perplex the text's perception.

Remember about text editing. For that, use bold or italic fonts to highlight the main thoughts.

seo writing services

Work on optimal article length. This point might be the hardest one. There is a lot of research on this particular topic. Some say that 2,450-word posts are perfect. Some praise 1,980 words long content. Others find 1,600-word articles the most effective ones.

6. Use visual content

Hubspot reports that 70% of businesses invest in content marketing, which could incorporate visual marketing strategies.

So, the visual side of marketing is essential. But you've already seen it for yourself. How many of the articles you checked in the last couple of years include pictures, videos, or infographics? We believe that you answer "A lot."

Try aligning your content with this long-lasting practice.

Why is visual content worth using in SEO writing?

Statistically, articles with visual content get more shares. But that's only a part of the deal.

Correct naming of images may result in their appearance on the search engine's image search feature.

Include alt texts to give search engine robots more information about your content.

writing seo content

7. Employ internal links

Internal links within your articles are a must. Writing content for SEO without this element is pointless.

Also, internal links tell Google about the relevance of other pages to which you point. You can strengthen this signal when choosing the proper anchor text. Anchor text, in turn, should be a keyword that describes the linked page in the best way possible.

Yet, you don't overdo this kind of optimization. Put internal links where they naturally belong. They should navigate readers inside your content and give them value.


2024 has its rules for SEO writing. As you can see, you have to keep all the elements balanced.

When you think about top SEO writing samples, optimized title tags, and meta descriptions should be their elements. These are the first things search engines and users see. So, take your time to work on them or order SEO content writing from reliable services.

Also, do whatever you can to optimize your on-page content - from using enough headers to providing useful information and supplementing it with visuals.

With these seven essential elements, you can ensure that your content meets the search engines' and users' needs.

Share how you work with your content. What favorite optimization tips do you have? Leave your comment below!

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