Created on January 27, 2021 | Updated on June 14, 2024

Off-page SEO Techniques: Which Ones to Use in 2024

SEO Articles
off-page seo

Off-page SEO is an undisputable part of your SEO strategy. Alongside on-page optimization, the off-page one ensures that your site appears on Google SERP. Do it right, and it’ll get to Google’s top 10.

Off-page optimization includes a variety of techniques. Yet, marketers share that link building techniques are the hardest ones - 58.7% of professionals find acquiring links the toughest optimization part.

Despite the off-page SEO importance, specialists tend to pay less attention to this activity. According to Moz, 30% of optimizers spend time on off-page optimization, while 70% care about on-page optimization.

Regardless of how much time you spend on SEO techniques, you have to know top off-page SEO techniques for 2024. So, keep reading to ensure your site is visible to as many people as possible!


What is off-page SEO?

The name of this SEO tactic speaks for itself. So, off-page optimization refers to all activities you do outside your website or blog.

Here’s a pretty sharp definition from Moz.

Off-page SEO (also called off-site SEO) refers to actions taken outside of your website to impact your rankings within search engine results pages (SERPs).

This way, off-page optimization accumulates all the actions you take to promote your website on SERP. Yet, the optimization directly depends on interaction with third-party sources.

Accordingly, your goal is to ensure a search engine (and readers) that your site is trustworthy and authoritative. How can you do this?

Well, by building links from the high-DA sites and employing a variety of other tactics. But before jumping to techniques you can use, let’s clear up one matter. So, are off-site optimization and link building equal?

off-page seo

Off-page SEO vs. Link building

Many beginner SE optimizers think that link building is off-site optimization. Nevertheless, that’s not 100% true.

Building links is an inseparable part of off-page optimization. You can actively use GEO link building and local link building to improve your site’s local SEO.

As Moz puts it, there are three main link types you can build. They are:

  • Natural links. You can get these links without putting in any effort. The third-party site owner can refer to your site on his/her blog. This way, you acquire a backlink pointing to your site.
  • Manual links. In this situation, you have to perform some link-building actions. So, you can partner with influencers or bloggers and ask them to refer to you. You can also ask your clients to do the same.
  • Self-created links. This link-building tactic stands for putting your links in forums, comments, etc. Yet, you have to be careful here. Don’t get too spammy, as Google may consider it as a black-hat SEO.

But you cannot call it an off-page SEO. There are more tactics you can use to promote your site.

So, the truth is that off-page SEO goes far beyond link acquisition. And now, we will share the off-page SEO checklist with you. Save it to grow your site’s rank on the SERP.

1. Guest posting

It’s one of the most effective off-page SEO techniques. And we sincerely advise you to use it. Why so?

Well, guest posting correlates with the true essence of off-page optimization. That said, you get several benefits:

  • backlinks, the quality of which you can control,
  • brand awareness growth,
  • exposure to a relevant audience.

Why do we connect guest blogging with the “true essence”? Because off-site SEO is not only link building but also a set of activities associated with promotion outside your site.

You may say that this technique is very time-consuming. Well, you are right. Yet, there are special guest posting services that can save up to 85% of your time!

Adsy is one of them. You can place your article on the high-DA site without a fuss. If you don’t have a ready article, you can order an article writing service. Then place it wherever you want.

2. Broken links

Many respectful sources, including Neil Patel, suggest using broken link building. This strategy is among other off-page SEO factors that can raise your rank on SERP.

So, what should you do? The principle of this tactic lies in finding broken links. You have to search for third-party sites’ broken links. You may ask: “What’s the point?”

Well, after you find such a link, you can contact a site owner saying you’ve come across a broken link. Getting rid of those links will help to optimize the site. You can check broken links here:

  • Check My Links
  • Domain Hunter +
  • Dead Link Checker
  • Broken Link Checker

Respectfully, you help a site owner a lot. This way, you can ask for a favor.

In exchange for your help, you can ask the site owner to place a link to your website! Of course, you won’t get “yes” for every submission you write. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t count this effective technique out.

geo link building

3. Social media marketing

SMM is among the off-page SEO techniques for 2024. Social media continue to grow with 3.6 billion active users as of 2020. The users' number will boost to 4.41 billion by 2025.

So, firstly, you ensure your brand is present on various platforms. In such a way, more people can learn about your company.

If you produce top-tier and helpful content, you can get shares and reposts. That will also influence your site’s authority and positioning.

Another reason to have social media accounts is the opportunity to include links to your site in the About section.

what is off page seo

You might also like 7 Essential On-Page SEO Elements: Beginner Guide

4. Local listings

Here is another point to add to your off-page SEO plan - local listing. This step is essential if you want to upgrade your local search engine optimization.

So, what should you do here?

Well, Google Maps, Yellow Pages, Yahoo Maps, Yelp, etc., are your best friends. You can add your business there to get a more precise audience coming from your area.

You can check a detailed guide from Moz to learn how to work with listings effectively

5. Brand mentions

Other off-page SEO examples are brand mentions. They also signal search engines that your site offers quality content and others link to it or mention it.

Besides, brand mentions act as social proof. And as many people perceive news and information via digital means, this tactic will help you promote your brand.

How do you get brand mentions?

Well, site owners, bloggers, and media can suggest your site to their audience. With or without links, this mention still works positively for you.

Moreover, there are sources like Product Hunt that tell people about new products. Once a brand appears on the front page, it’s very likely to receive lots of attention.

Some tools, like Semrush, let companies monitor brand mentions.

off page seo checklist

6. Influencer marketing

Did you know that, according to DMI, 49% of users depend on influencer recommendations? This number is impressive! Yet, it reminds us not to ignore influencer marketing when optimizing off-site activities.

That said, your off-page SEO strategies for 2022 should include partnerships with influencers.

7. Infographics distribution

Another not-to-miss-out off-page SEO link building tactic is creating compelling infographics. If you are not using this technique, you’d better start!

Why is making infographics so crucial for off-page SEO?

If you ensure it’s informative and useful, people will not only look it through. They’ll link to it. So, by creating and distributing top-tier infographics, you can attract quality backlinks.

Besides, infographics can improve your site’s UX. Studies show that people’s brains conceive visual material much faster.

off page seo techniques



So, how can we sum up SEO off-page optimization techniques for 2022? First of all, pay close attention to it. It’s as essential as the on-page one.

Secondly, off-page search engine optimization doesn’t end up with link-building. This SEO method is much broader. Accordingly, try various techniques to get a higher rank on Google.

Do you still want to stick to building links? That’s fine! Just remember to use white-hat tactics. One of them is guest posting.

Are you up for other techniques? Use our guide to pick the most fitting ones.

How much time do you spend on your site’s off-page SEO? What techniques are your favorite ones? Leave your comments, and let’s discuss our experiences.

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