New Security Deposit Rules and More Helpful Tips in Your Control Panel

We continue updating our services to bring you more varied opportunities. This article covers the most recent changes.
Security deposit
You can still stand out from other publishers when adding a Security deposit. Yet, the procedure has slightly changed. Let’s see how this works now:
1. The process of your balance filling up stays the same. Thus, you will notice detailed explanations regarding new rules.
Add a security deposit in an amount that exceeds your most expensive service type.
E.g., your priciest content creation and placement service costs $230. This means you need to transfer $230 or more to your security deposit.
2. We will mark your sites (covered by the security deposit) with a special sign.
3. That will show buyers that you are a trustworthy publisher ready to reimburse them if the content or links disappear.
We would also like to remind you that the minimum security deposit sum is $100. And you can keep it at this level. Nevertheless, some changes might apply in this case.
So, what happens if you decide to stick to the minimum security deposit sum?
E.g., your content placement on a site costs $25 - in this case, we will mark you with a security deposit label,
E.g. your content placement + mini-article on a site cost $50 - in this case, we will mark you with a security deposit label,
E.g. your content placement + article on a site cost $90 - in this case, we will mark you with a security deposit label,
E.g. your content placement + long article on a site cost $120 - in this case, we will not mark you with a security deposit label.
That’s because a minimum deposit amount of $100 does not cover your priciest service (while it’s $120).
Also, remember that you can increase your initial security deposit amount (if you’ve made any) by adding $50+ to it.
For instance, if you’ve made the $100 security deposit before these new rules and want to ensure you keep your security deposit badge (read - your deposit covers your priciest service), feel free to add $50+ to your minimum deposit amount.
As you already know, you can make withdrawal requests twice per month. There are special withdrawal rules, and you can learn more about them here.
Yet, we’d like to help you keep track of your requests and ensure you understand the mechanism.
If you’ve requested a withdrawal and click on the Balance later (let’s say a day after), you will see a special message. It’ll remind you when you will receive your payment.
Read the info, and click the “Got it” button to proceed to the familiar Balance page interface. Yet, you will see another handy prompt about the withdrawal request.
The dates in the prompt will be different based on the withdrawal period. For instance, if you made a request after the 7th day of any month, your payment would arrive from the 15th to the 22nd day of the following month. That will be reflected in the prompt.
How to choose top publishers
Good news for all buyers. We created a free guide on how to choose worthy publishers. Of course, you have lots of metrics you can apply to choose performers.
Yet, we’ve gathered the main point you should pay attention to.
This way, you can easily access the guide from the Verified publishers and All publishers interfaces.
This article will help you get better results, choose more reliable publishers, and ensure your site’s online rank consistently grows.
Summing up
We continue towards making our service easier to use. That’s the first stage, adding more helpful prompts for both publishers and buyers.
As always, you can easily access the FAQ straight from the Adsy platform interface or by heading to Also, read handy articles telling about our recent updates.
Besides, we are ready to answer any questions when you contact us directly or via our social media.