Created on July 20, 2018 | Updated on September 20, 2024

Ultimate Guide to Saving 85% of Your Time When Guest Posting

Guest Posting Tips
Guest Posting with Adsy

Guest posting is an uber-effective strategy for getting more exposure, traffic, and even links to your website. Feeling skeptical? Well, these numbers will prove the point:

  • Brian Dean (check out his illuminating blog attracted 10,000 visitors to his website thanks to guest blog posting. Over time, he published more than 200 guest articles.
  • Gregory Ciotti (then working at Help Scout) got 36,733 email subscribers by using guest posts.
  • SMM platform Buffer increased their customer base up to 100K in 9 months! Collectively they wrote up to 150 guest articles.

Marketers don’t lie when they say that guest blog posting works. It works pretty darn well! It’s a 3-in-1 because potentially you can receive tons of referral visitors back to your site, and gain authority or backlinks.

Good news for you: this post will help you get your guest posting game underway. We will provide advice, specific instruction, and real-world experience. This guide will also suggest a unique guest blog posting service you can use. Make sure to bookmark this and read it to the end!


6 reasons to get down to guest blog posting pronto

Guest posting stays a part of the SEO strategy for many online businesses globally. We gathered six main reasons that might encourage using this tactic.

1. Find the right audience

With guest blog posting you can reach relevant traffic. At first, determine the platforms that your perfect customers use. Focus on the interests and struggles of your target audience. Troubleshoot all their pain points in your post. Be sure your post will resonate with them.

2. Become a thought leader

The bedrock principle of blogging is to give value. In your guest article, you can share knowledge and your own unique experience. For instance, you can tell the fascinating story of how you started the business. Next time you know it – you are an expert. Rest assured, unique knowledge and advice in your guest posting content go a long way.

3. 5x valuable backlinks

Are backlinks dead in 2024? Not at all. In fact, quality outbound links can work wonders for your business. Guest articles are a “clean” link building strategy that works great. The truth is that backlinks surrounded by content are 5X more effective. Best of all, they are 100% safe.

4. Skyrocket your traffic

Guest posting starts a ripple effect for you. All the brand mentions, referral visits, and backlinks make a difference. Your rankings will go up ahead as soon as Google discovers them. Naturally, the number of visitors from SERP will increase.

5. More email subscribers and followers

Readers won’t miss your unique content if they like it. Help them stay tuned by offering to sign up. Chances are, you might even get 36,000+ subscribers as Gregory Ciotti did. Good luck!

6. Brand awareness to the moon

This is a no-brainer. Guest articles help you spread the word. Next time users see your ad, your email, or your article in SERP – they will click on it, be sure. In fact, our infographic proves that 46% of buyers read 3-5 pieces of content before they purchase from any brand.

I hope all your doubts and skepticism regarding guest articles have disappeared by now. This strategy is incredibly efficient. Most SEO specialists use guest posting services on a daily basis. So the question is – where do you start? What's more important – how can you do this low budget?

Easy guest posting tutorial & how to guest blog 3x faster

Here goes the in-depth guidelines on guest blogging. Typically, you will need to invest your time and money into guest posting for SEO. But no worries, we will share an additional bullet-fast way to get your guest posts published.

1. Search for the relevant websites

You will do the writing later. First things first – look for suitable guest blog posting sites. The key here – they should be related to your niche. Remember, you need to find the right audience and resonate with it.

There’s a brisk life hack. Type your keywords in Google, and add the words “guest posts” or “contribute”. It should look like this:

  • “[keyword]” + “guest posts”
  • “[keyword]” + “guest articles”
  • “[keyword]” + “contribute”
  • “[keyword]” + “submit a post”

Immediately you will see a list of potential websites that accept blog posts! Boom! The cherry on top – they all are related to your product and niche.

guest posting opportunity

There’s another workaround for the tech-savvy ones. Usually, it works even better than looking up your keywords in Google. Study the backlink profile of your competitors. This requires professional SEO software like ScanBacklinks, Semrush, or Ahrefs. They aren’t strictly guest posting services, but they will show you exactly who links to your business foes.

backlink checker

Naturally, only part of the backlinks come from guest articles. But definitely look closer and follow all the URLs. You will have an “aha” moment, since many of them are, in fact, guest or sponsored posts. You just have to dig deeper, Sherlock!

Important note: look out for the best websites. Their quality matters. Definitely check for their domain rating, domain authority, and traffic stats (in short – DR and DA). ScanBacklinks and Ahrefs display these metrics right away, look close. The higher the metrics – the better.

Now it’s time to sort the results to see the most influential platforms.

guest posting list

Keep in mind, that even DA and PA indicators can’t give you the full picture. The websites’ quality also depends on the domain age, number of indexed pages, excellent content, and spam rate. SEO specialists advise analyzing all these metrics before you choose the most appropriate website.

One more thing. You can go the extra mile and target a specific country only. Let’s say, your website is also optimized for Spanish speakers. In this case, go ahead and look for blog posting opportunities in Spain or Latin America.

There’s a simple formula behind guest blogging. Nevertheless, it still takes much time and effort. Luckily, there’s an alternative way that promises easy guest posting, almost like a breeze.

How to do it faster with Adsy

As you can see, even the first stage of guest blogging requires a lot of your time and involvement. But it doesn't have to be like this. At Adsy we are doing our best to simplify this process by taking a considerable part of those actions off your shoulders.

This way, you select filters corresponding to the primary metrics in Adsy inventory instead of looking for websites all over the internet and sorting them.

Choose your business category, sort publishers according to DA and DR metrics, and save time viewing the most relevant sites.

guest posting service

Publishers to Adsy inventory are approved manually, after a series of quality checks to ensure that you get to choose from the best options available for your category and your country.

2. Get in touch with the site & pitch the story

I don’t want to play cap Obvious here, but you gotta stay organized. Create a document with all prospects. Google Sheets is a perfect choice. Fill in all the data – domain rating, traffic stats, contacts, etc. Alright, you’re ready to start!

Contact every person on your list. Your goal is to make sure they are ready to cooperate & find out their terms. Even if they have previously accepted guest posts, they might reject your article for now.

Consequently, you will need a compelling template letter. Introduce yourself and pitch the story that you have in mind. You can also include the shortlist of topics that you are willing to write about. Additionally, share some articles you’ve written before.

Make it personal. On a daily basis, publishers receive tons of spam emails. Your letter should stand out. Explore their websites, and read the latest posts. When writing the email, express your genuine opinion on their content. This is not just common courtesy. A teeny remark like this shows that you are the expert here and you know the niche.

All things considered, your email will resemble this (you can make it even more personal!).

guest post email example

Don’t expect a 100% response rate. In the best scenario, only 15-29% of bloggers will reply. In addition, keep in mind that they can always say no.

If everything went well, and they agreed, you still will have to spend time negotiating the terms.

If this all sounds way too confusing, stay strong! Just below we shared some tips for easy guest posting using our platform.

How to do it faster with Adsy

With Adsy this step ceases to exist for you, as after you apply the necessary filters you get a list of publishers ready to cooperate. You don’t need to write emails to site owners and make sure they agree to publish your content

Publishers listed in Adsy inventory have joined the platform to make their sites available, so convincing them to work together is not an issue for you anymore.

3. Negotiate the terms (article format, price, etc)

Keep to the guest posting guidelines of the website. These are the requirements for each guest blog (the desired word count, picture resolution, the number of outbound links, etc). Typically, they are published on the website in sections like "Write for us” or "Contribute." You can also check with the admin personally. When writing, definitely complete all the guest blog posting requirements.

Some bloggers prefer to write only by themselves. This is done to keep the style and tone of their blog concise. In this case, clearly state your expectations and requirements for this post.

Like it or not – but most blogs take the fee for guest articles. The price depends on traffic stats, domain ratings, etc. Carefully check all stats on your own and make sure that you aren’t paying the higher price.

How much should a website charge? The Adsy team created a post that helps you make a price estimate. It evaluates the metrics of every website and shows the possible price tag. Initially, we created this for site owners. But this will definitely come in handy for you as well.

How to do it faster with Adsy

In Adsy inventory, you get to see the price for the service you choose at once, right after you've selected the content type.

As we said, there are two task types - content placement and content creation and placement. But that’s not all. Depending on your needs, you can order mini-posts, articles, or long articles when you choose content creation and placement. The prices change as soon as you select a different service type. It means no more unpleasant surprises or long email threads to bargain.

4. Write!

This is the most crucial stage. It’s time to create a blog post that blows your readers’ minds. Feeling uneasy looking at the blank page? Check our guide on how to create brilliant content that your audience loves!

Reminder: When writing, stick to the guest blog posting requirements (if the site owner outlined them). Unless you want to rewrite and resubmit the content yourself, do you?

If you are short on time, you can always hire a freelance writer. Take the time to carefully explain the topic and all requirements for the guest posting content. Discuss the deadlines with both – the publisher and the freelance writer. In this case, you will avoid breaking arrangements.

How to do it faster with Adsy

Do you have content? Great! Publishers will place it on their sites. Do you struggle with writing an engaging piece of content and relating it to your business, or writing anything at all? 78% of publishers in Adsy inventory are willing to create content by themselves and post it. Or you can hire one of Adsy's professional copywriters.

Switch between the tabs, and here they are - content writers who know their audience, know how to talk to and convince them. You can be sure they will convey the message about your business in the most professional way.

5. Payment

You’ve done it! The guest blog post is live and kicking. The final step – reward the site owner. In most cases, site admins prefer PayPal payments. But sometimes you will be asked to pay extra to cover taxes and fees. Many companies want to keep taxes in order, they will charge you by invoice. Keep in mind, that publishers may ask for an advance payment or a full prepayment too.

How to do it faster with Adsy

Well, you can as well forget about any payment issues, unexpected problems, invoices, or your bank commissions. We’ll solve any questions with publishers if there any, and you only have to top up your balance.

Even more, Adsy has a support team that carefully reviews each question you ask. Feeling insecure, afraid of making a wrong move, or anything? Contact us, and we'll make all your guest posting issues go away.

Guest posting for SEO doesn’t have to be overwhelming. In fact, it’s pretty simple. The problem is – it takes time, effort, energy. In these cases, it makes sense to automate guest blog posting, outsource it or use the guest blog posting service created by Adsy.

Choose Publishers To Profit From Guest
Blogging & Save Your Time

Let Adsy take care of every difficulty of guest blogging, and enjoy the positive results in your traffic growth and customers increase.

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