Content Placement and Writing & Placement - New Approaches to Habitual Services. How they work.

We are driven to optimize our services to make them clearer for you and easier to use. That’s why we are excited to introduce the new approach to services buyers can order and publishers can provide.
In this article, we will tell you about “Content placement” and “Writing” in detail.
Content placement and Writing & Placement - Buyers
Now, as you look at the site’s or publisher’s information windows, you will see two terms - “Content placement” and “Writing & Placement.”
What do Content placement and Writing & Placement mean?
Content placement is what you knew earlier as Placement. This way, it’s the price a publisher charges for placing your guest post on their site. So, it’s pretty habitual for you.
Writing & Placement is the price the publisher charges for writing an article based on your requirements and placing it on their site. Please note that additional fees might apply if you need content that exceeds the basic content size the publisher has stated.
More often, you see the prices reflected for both services, which means the publisher provides both services - Content placement and Writing & Placement.
Yet, sometimes, you will only notice the price for Content placement. In this case, you have to provide content on your own.
How do you create a task and the price for your order look?
Let’s see how the update interface for the guest post order looks like.
Choose the preferred site and publisher. Press “Select.”
2. Once you are on the “Create task” page, you can choose the “Content placement” option. That means you need to provide your content.
However, pay attention to the “Required content size” the publisher has stated. Your content should match the requirements to eliminate any misunderstanding.
Or you can pick “Writing & placement” - “Content will be written by the publisher” option. This means the chosen publisher will create content for you.
Please pay attention to the available number of words the publisher offers. The first bullet point with the number of words reflects the basic content size the publisher is ready to write. You can choose a longer content size if you need to. In this case, an additional fee will apply.
3. As you fill out all the fields and scroll the page down, you will see the price breakdown.
As such, the renewed approach to services definition and remuneration allows you to see how your Total price is formed.
Content placement and Writing & placement - Publishers
Publishers will also need to follow new service types’ approach - Content placement and Writing & placement. In this section of the article, we will figure out how to fill out the information for newly added sites and update information for existing ones.
Set prices for newly added sites
If you want to add one site, click the Add or update websites button, agree to the Terms, and pick One website.
1. Fill in your site’s URL and press the “Next” button.
2. On the next page, start filling in the site’s information as usual. You will notice new names for the services that you can provide - Content placement and Writing & placement, plus some additional options you should fill out.
Firstly, choose the Basic content size for your site (in the Content placement case, it reflects what article size the buyer should provide, and in the Writing & placement case, it reflects how many words you are ready to write). It can be from 500 to 2,000+ words.
Choose the Content placement service type if you are ready to accept the buyer’s content and place it on your site permanently. State your price.
Choose the Writing & placement service type if you want to place and write content for the buyer. State the price for Writing & placement as per the Basic content size you selected earlier.
Choose Extra-size content writing (if you choose the Writing & placement service type) and state your price for writing every additional 500 words.
N.B. You can choose two service types - Content placement and Writing & placement or one of the services. If you only want to place buyer’s content on your site - leave the tick in the checkbox near the Content placement. If you only wish to place content specifically written by you, leave the tick in the checkbox near the Writing & placement (plus state the price for the Extra-size content writing, if applicable).
If you have many sites to add, it’s better to choose the Upload via file (add/update) option. Click the Add or update websites button, agree to Terms, and pick Upload via file (add/update) tab.
Here are your steps in this case.
1. Make sure to use Google Spreadsheet or download the template to fill out the file correctly.
This file is an example of how your file should look like. Please note that the template we offer can’t be edited, so do not send us requests to edit it. Instead, copy the rows from the ‘URL’ to ‘How many links can be placed in one article’ to organize your own file.
2. Form your xlsx, xls, or CSV file based on the requirements and upload it onto the special box.
Press the “Next” button to finalize the process.
Allow us and our smart system some time to work out your file, check the sites, and ensure you’ve filled out everything correctly.
You can track your progress on the My Websites page. Once your sites have active and approved status, you are ready to go! Also, keep in mind that you need to pass a one-time moderation for your account if you plan to work as a contributor.
Update prices for your already added sites
But what if already work actively on the Adsy Platform and have lots of sites? You can update your service prices to ensure everything runs smoothly.
1. Your first option is to use the Upload via file (add/update) option. Use our updated template to rearrange the row and renew the prices for services accordingly.
2. Another option you have is to edit your service prices from the My Websites page.
Click the pen tool next to the current price and make the update. Or press the “Edit” button to renew the services’ prices.