Created on December 22, 2021 | Updated on September 20, 2024

What Happened in 2021 for Adsy

Adsy Tutorials & News
guest posting service

2022 is approaching fast, so it’s high time we shared our achievements for 2021.

We are not going to lie - last year had some challenges. Yet, we are happy to have a professional team that can solve any problems and comes up with bright ideas.

That’s why we were happy to introduce numerous updates in the dashboard, attract thousands of new publishers, send thousands of helpful emails, and write dozens of informative articles.

Today we’ll sum up the novelties we’ve implemented and share some reviews from our customers. So, that’s what our guest posting service developed in 2021.


Guest posting updates for buyers

Buyers have broad opportunities when it comes to their rankings growth. Now there are plenty of features that can help you choose publishers faster and make overall work more effective.

Weekly Added Sites

Buyers can access a list of weekly added sites with one click only (the sites will be updated each Monday).

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Press the green badge and:

  • see the list of the freshest sites,
  • use 13 filters to find the most appropriate sites,
  • find new sites for getting links much faster.


You can open a dispute when the task is In Progress, Your Approval, or Improvement status. You don't have to wait five days to do this like before a new release.

This feature allows you to solve any contradictory questions much faster. Save your time and let us help you with any issue you have.

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Feedback from Adsy’s customers

We’ve been using Adsy for a while now, it’s a great tool that helps us improve our SEO ranking. We appreciate you following up with the publishers to make sure the articles we’ve published stay online.

Correspondence about the task

You can start correspondence with publishers right after you send the task.

That ensures you can discuss all the details straight away and avoid any complications.

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Publisher’s rating

Rate publishers, you’ve worked with. This way, every publisher in Adsy’s inventory will have a rating, and you will understand how responsible the contributor or site owner is.

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Desired publisher’s search

Have you enjoyed working with a certain publisher? Now you can easily find one. Use the “Name” or the “Task ID” filters to search for a contributor/site owner and order a post.

You can find these filters in the inventory and on the available performers’ page. After you choose “Only performers I’ve worked with,” you can easily find the preferred publisher by the name or task id.

That allows you to work with publishers you trust and access them fastly.

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Completion rate

The completion rate is a special metric that is calculated for publishers. It’s a percentage that ranges from 0% to 100%.

The completion rate is calculated for a year (12 months). We will divide each year into quarters (that do not necessarily match the accounting quarters) and multiply each by the special coefficient. The closer the quarter to the current date is, the more important (or weighty) it is.

Completion rate = Tasks completion in the Q1*Q1 Coefficient+Tasks completion in the Q2*Q2 Coefficient+Tasks completion in the Q3*Q3 Coefficient+Tasks completion in the Q4*Q4 Coefficient

What’s essential, the completion rate is calculated separately for each site. That said, if a publisher has five sites, it won’t be an average number for all their sites. We will do the math for each source.

Also, you can notice that there are two completion rate numbers next to each site (e.g., 50%-78%). That shows the lowest and the highest measure for the particular site.

The completion rate is not affected by the following:

  • tasks declined by the buyer before they moved to the “In Progress” status,
  • tasks declined by the publisher with a reason marked as "Task falls into a forbidden category: gambling, casino, betting, ICO, etc."

You will see this metric when you click the “Buy post” button and start choosing a publisher.

Turn around time (TAT)

Turn around time (TAT) shows an average time from the moment a publisher receives the task until it is sent for the buyer’s review. It’s shown in days.

This metric shows how fastly you can get your task done. So, the lesser the TAT is, the better.

Add publishers to allow- or blocklist

Before, you could add only sites to allow- and blocklists. But now, this opportunity is available for publishers as well.

1. Go to the publisher’s page. (You can do this by pressing “Buy post” - choosing a performer - clicking the three dots button - pressing the “Publisher’s page” button).

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2. When you land on the publisher’s page, you will see two buttons “Add to allowlist” and “Add to blocklist.” Pick the one you need.

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3. You can see the publisher in the “Lists” menu. You can remove the publisher from the list by clicking the three dots button and pressing the “Remove from list” button.

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This way, fastly access publishers you like or avoid the ones you don’t like.

Save filters

Save up to five filters when searching for publishers. This allows you to save a lot of time if you use the same metrics often.

You will also be able to get notifications via emails when the fitting sites will appear in our inventory. Also, you can save your filters as default ones.

This is how you can set and save filters.

1. Set the metrics you need. After you do this, you will notice the “Save filters” button.

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2. Name your filter and press the button to save the filter set.

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3. Also, you can choose how to interact with the filter in the future. You can either choose your saved filter to use as a default one, or you can get notifications via email about the fitting sites. You will receive emails with the new sites only (that fit your filters).

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4. You can save up to five filters. In case you don’t need one of them, you can easily edit your filter by pressing the arrow sign and clicking on the pencil.

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5. After you press the pencil sign, a pop-up (like in point 2) will open. Press the trash bin sign to delete the filter.

That’s how easily you can arrange the filters and work with the metrics you need.

Feedback from Adsy’s customers

I was glad to see the spam score feature recently added to the Adsy find-publishers dashboard.

Easier publisher’s search

Access a publisher much faster and without superfluous movements. Here’s how you do this:

1. Go to your tasks and press the message button.

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2. The window with your messages will open. To jump to the publisher’s profile, press the publisher’s name. In case a publisher hasn’t stated the name, press the word “Publisher.”

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When you click the name, you will be redirected to the publisher’s page. There you’ll see the full information about the performer.

Guest posting updates for publishers

Extended ways of adding sites

Of course, you’ve noticed a super-convenient way of adding new sites. Recently, you have two main options. You can either add one site or a list of sites.

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Also, if you decide to add many sites you can do it via two options. You can add sites’ URLs into a special window or upload them in a form of CSV, xls, or xlsx files.

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After you have added the site(s), you can continue as a contributor. Or you can verify the ownership. In either case, you can monetize your blog and get tasks from buyers as soon as your status is “Approved” and “Active.”

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The new way of adding sites ensures you can add hundreds (or even thousands!) of sites at once to attract more buyers.

Monetize your sites faster

More sites allow you to earn more. That’s clear.

Earlier, we released 100 sites from the “On hold” status each time you successfully performed the task (if you added over a hundred sites at once).

Now, the more tasks you successfully complete, the more sites will be released from the “On hold” status. (So, with each completed task a bigger number of sites (over 100) will be released from the ‘on hold.’)

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This way, your quality task performance will influence the number of your sites available in inventory and your income.

Guest posting updates for both

More control over your subscriptions

Now you have more control over the emails you receive. You can choose from four options. This way, you can receive only the content that you need. Here’s how you arrange everything:

1. Go to Account Settings > Notification settings.

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2. Then pick emails you’d like to receive. (Please notice that there is no option to cancel Strictly necessary letters).

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3. You can also pick a frequency. Press the arrow in the “About every event” window to choose the option.

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That said, get information that is really essential for you.

Send feedback

As you might have noticed, we attentively listen to your suggestions. We update our platform to fit your needs and make your work as efficient as possible.

Our latest feature helps you share your experience, pieces of advice, offers, etc., really fast. Simply press the “Send feedback” button on your left and drop us a line.

This option will be available for buyers who have made at least one top-up and publishers who have added at least one site.

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Please notice all the entries won’t be sent to the support team. The goal of this form is to help us to make our service better for you. If you have any questions regarding tasks, payments, etc., contact us via a special form or by writing to


As you can see, 2021 was full of improvements and changes. We attentively listen to your feedback to make our service better.

In the next year, we will continue working to develop our guest posting service to help you reach outstanding results.

What updates were the most useful for you? Which one of them do you constantly use? What else would you like to improve? Leave your comments down below!

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