Created on April 7, 2021 | Updated on June 19, 2024

7 Content Marketing Strategy Examples to Fuel Your Creativity

Content Marketing
content marketing strategy example

Content marketing has been rocking for almost 1,5 centuries. That's mad.

Examples of content marketing strategies may look like a piece of art sometimes.

But besides that artistic component, content marketing is a powerful tool that lets your business communicate with users. Moreover, it helps to convert those customers and make them returning ones.

And that’s the truth we can’t deny. Therefore, 80% of very successful companies claim to have a documented content marketing strategy.

At the same time, only 11% of content marketers are ready to call their strategies “excellent.” And we can feel this pain. Creating outstanding content is so difficult.

Yet, we’d like to cheer you up with seven astonishing content marketing strategy examples.

We’ve dug through various brands from different niches to bring you some inspiring stuff. So, keep on reading to fuel your creativity.



Hubspot is a US company that provides software for marketing, sales, and service.

We can’t help ourselves but share its approach to content marketing. We believe that many of our readers have heard of Hubspot. Yet, what’s special about them?

Despite having paid plans, the company provides lots of information for free. Content marketing strategy goes mostly around education.

And we must say it’s working just great. Millions of people visit Hubspot to read in-depth expert articles on content marketing. Also, they can enjoy courses, guides, and ebooks.

By offering top-quality to customers, Hubspot has made it possible to convert them. In the end, this approach makes Hubspot a multi-million dollar company.

good examples of content marketing strategy

As you can see, Hubspot’s content marketing campaigns bring results. The company’s organic traffic is growing over the years. Moreover, it is an authoritative source with many sites linking to it.

content marketing examples

What to take into consideration

Don’t be afraid to share long-form and expert content for free. Create guides, case studies, and other helpful stuff for users. Offer as much value as you can. And trust us, it will bear fruit.


GoPro is a world-renowned manufacturer of action cameras.

Why are we putting it among the best content marketing examples? Because GoPro shows its mastership in employing visuals as part of its content marketing strategy.

In fact, the brand does it in such a masterly fashion that they have 10.3 million followers on Youtube and 17.8 million on Instagram!

Also, GoPro builds its visual strategy based on UGC. Additionally, it teams up with amazing athletes like seven-year-old snowboarding prodigy Vasilisa Ermakova or pro skier Fabio Studer.

The visual-based strategy brings amazing results as well! As you can see, organic search traffic for GoPro continues to grow. The company has also acquired a total of four million backlinks.

content advertising examples

What to take into consideration

41% of content marketers consider video & visual content as one of the most efficient tactics (Semrush). And GoPro’s strategy demonstrates it just right. Take your shot and add more visual content, be it pictures, videos, or infographics.


Buffer is a popular social media posting tool with 75K+ companies using its services.

Why are we including Buffer’s content marketing strategy example in the list? Because its team has shown how to rock guest posting to increase traffic dramatically.

Basically, at an early stage, Buffer has made it possible to hit 100,000 customers to the site. And that’s in the first nine months only! Yet, to reach this goal Leo Widrich, Buffer’s co-founder, has worked extremely hard.

In his interview with Search Engine Watch, he shared he used to write two to four guest articles per day.

Nowadays, Buffer drives an effective content marketing strategy that concentrates on its own content. So, there are three divisions to the company’s blog:

  • Flow - a blog about marketing,
  • Open - a blog on working culture,
  • Overflow - a blog on engineering.

content advertising examples

The joint forces of content on the inner blog and the third-party ones have brought outstanding results. 3.2 million people have searched for Buffer on the search engines. The brand’s team has built over 20 million backlinks.

good content advertising examples

What to take into consideration

Guest posting is alive and worth taking into account. Gladly, nowadays, you can ease the process. There are platforms like Adsy that have over 100K+ sites in one place ready to accept guest posts from you.

Old Spice

Old Spice is a man grooming products powerhouse that’s been here for 83 years.

Yet, at some point in time, it started to lose traction. Nevertheless, Old Spice’s new (and somewhat crazy) strategy has changed the game for the brand.

But you’ve probably guessed what we are talking about. And exactly that’s why we are putting Old Spice’s videos into our top content advertising examples.

Old Spice posted its first video on Youtube in February 2010. Thus, the second video was a breakthrough. It gathered 59 million views, also making the phrase “I’m on a horse” strongly associated with the brand.

Old Spice returned with new hilarious videos covering various topics from everyday men’s lives after a break. This way, nowadays brand targets men of all ages.

Old Spice continues to attract lots of traffic. Despite the slight decline in October 2019, the whole thing with organic traffic looks promising if you look at the graph.

best content marketing examples

What to take into consideration

Once again, that is proof that visual content is working awesomely. Yet, what’s more important, you don’t need to be afraid to be funny. It involves lots of work, but you may end up creating viral videos, memes, or quotes associated with your brand.


Canva is an online designing tool that’s been helping marketers and designers from over the globe.

Why do we put Canva among the top-notch examples of content marketing strategy? Because this company made it possible to build an uber-effective customer-centric strategy.

Its aim is to make complex things simple. This way, Canva offers the entire cycle of educational content, including:

  • Courses,
  • Tutorials,
  • Blogs.

Besides, Canva always sends useful emails with guides and practical tips. That definitely wins customers’ hearts (and ours too).

Though organic traffic slightly went down for Canva in October 2019, the overall situation seems to be nice. Accordingly, the number of the company’s users consistently grows and accounts for 50.5 million. Also, Canva truly is an authoritative source.

what is content marketing examples

What to take into consideration

Learn how to understand users and build content, especially for their needs. Help with any possible questions they might be interested in. Also, it’s essential to create content based on the marketing funnel stages.


Stripe is a technology company that provides online payment solutions for customers globally.

This brand made an unpredictable move with its content marketing strategy long before 2021. Examples of how the company is changing the game may surprise you.

So, Stripe has launched a whole new tech magazine - Increment. That’s a free online publication covering all things development.

Somewhat it’s a new tricky way to attract tech professionals to become a part of the Stripe family. Another direction is showing Stripe’s abilities to the developer community, engaging them to integrate it.

examples of content marketing

Increment competes with sites that cover tech topics and is doing pretty well. Stripe is one of the referring domains and links to the online publication. Peculiarly Stripe grows steadily, and now its organic traffic counts 2.2 million.

great examples of content marketing

examples of content marketing

What to take into consideration

Investing in your blog (that’s on the same domain as your site) is a great idea. Yet, if you have enough capacity, you can launch one more blog covering some particular topic. Of course, it has to be related to your company’s main theme.


Spotify is a world-famous online streaming service. It helps customers discover music and podcasts.

But what is unique about Spotify’s content marketing strategy? Well, the company has placed its bet on podcasting. And that was a clever move.

In fact, 55% of US citizens have listened to a podcast. That's why Spotify opened 185,000 pods, and now this number reaches 700,000!

What’s more, the company’s team reported that the number of listeners consuming podcasts had grown by 200% in late 2019. Also, Spotify teams up with famous people to air their podcasts on the platform.

content marketing campaigns

Spotify for Podcasters’ traffic is much lower than Spotify’s one - 4.9K to 20.4M, respectively. Yet, you can see the skyrocketing growth trend for this subdivision of the streaming service.

good content marketing campaigns

What to take into consideration

Podcasting can become an integral part of your content marketing strategy. Invest your time and money in this type of content as it’s gaining momentum. If you have no budget for this, there are lots of free tools to cover this part of a strategy.


Content marketing is often a trial and error method.

Of course, you may argue by saying that strategies are built based on numbers. Sure thing. But numbers do not always reflect humans’ feelings 100% accurately.

That’s why we’ve gathered seven fantastic content marketing strategy examples. They can show what potential you have. You can see what new directions your content strategy may take.

Get inspired by them, evaluate your own marketing campaigns, and come up with a perfect mixture!

Share your thoughts about the strategies we’ve shared with you. Or, maybe, you already have your favorite ones? Leave your comments down below, and let’s start a conversation.

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