Created on December 6, 2023 | Updated on September 23, 2024

How to Find Sites for Guest Posting in 2024 (All Steps)

Guest Posting Tips
How to Find Sites for Guest Posting

Why will guest posting stay an integral part of your SEO in 2024? Well, the site’s SERP ranking is important if you want your business to be recognized online.

Search engines use lots of factors to access your site before putting it on the result page. And backlink presence is one of the essential elements. Guest posting, in turn, is an effective way to gain those links.

But will all backlinks be equal? Unfortunately, no. To make your guest posting effort the most efficient, you need to know what sites to choose for guest blogging.

And we will gladly guide you through this process and show you the best tactics in 2024.


Research guest posting opportunities

Let’s start with some fundamental points you need to consider. Define:

  • your niche and your audience,
  • your audience’s needs and interests,
  • topics relevant to your niche.

Most probably, you will know your niche straight ahead. For instance, you can provide SEO services or consultation. You can sell home-made jam. Respectively, different niches will attract different customers.

Knowing your audience is also key to many marketing activities. Guest posting is no exception.

Usually, you can create a buyer persona to get an idea of your readers or customers. The primary information about the persona you’d like to know is:

  • Background. Include points like occupation, hobbies, education, and so on.
  • Demographics. Here, learn about your customers’ age, gender, and location.
  • Technology. Consider the fitting ways of communication and delivering information. It can include devices your TA uses, social channels, emails, etc.
  • Challenges. What are your consumers’ main struggles and pain points?
  • Goals/Motivations. What results do your clients want to achieve? What motivates them?

As you can see, the buyer persona already takes into account the TA’s needs and interests. In terms of guest posting, this knowledge will help you understand where your customers search for answers.

In this case, the desired sites can cover the same topics as yours. That will be a great choice for placing guest content with links.

what sites to find for guest posting

Yet, you can go further and broaden the website choice by cooperating with platforms that cover similar topics. For instance, if you sell home plants, sites about plant food, garden tools, etc., can be among your goals.

Identify potential websites

Now, as you understand your audience and its needs, you can start forming the website list. If your goal is to grow your brand awareness, build relations, and gain referral traffic, concentrate on sites your customers most probably read.

Finding those sites is not too hard, thus, time-consuming. We advise you to hop on forums where your TA can be present. Check what they discuss and what sites they recommend to each other.

Also, you can do the same on the social media platforms. Discover who your TA follows, what services or blogs recommend, etc.

This way, you get an idea of what sites can potentially be your guest posting goals. Also, you can use SEO tools to find similar sites and enlarge your list.

But what if you want to focus specifically on link building? You can use the good old “Search operators” methods. That means you need to make a query that includes the following phrase:

  • your keyword + “guest post.”

Accordingly, you will see a variety of domains that allow you to place guest content on their sites. We’ve covered this method in detail here.

search operators for guest posting

Of course, let’s mention SEO tools once again. They will allow you to find sites that build their content around your target keywords. After you get the list of domains, you can check if they offer guest posting opportunities.

Assess website quality and relevance

Of course, finding sites from the relevant niche is not enough. While it is still an essential element, there are a couple more to consider.

Firstly, you need to check the sites’ main metrics. Typically, you want to examine:

  • domain authority,
  • domain rating,
  • spam score,
  • and organic traffic.

Please note that you can evaluate the site’s DA based on Moz or Semrush data. Organic traffic can also be accessed differently. For instance, you can do this based on Ahrefs data.

The domain’s relevance to your niche and metrics will influence the backlink weight. So, if you want your backlink portfolio to be effective and positively influence your site’s position on SERP, choose donors with high rates.

what qualities should a guest posting site have?

Of course, don’t forget about the human part of the deal. That means you should also take geography and language into account.

If the sites fit your niche, provide expert content, have high metrics, and look up-to-date, the search engine will value links coming from them. And that’s your main goal.

Outreach and build relationships

This part is probably the most time-consuming and scrupulous. Building relationships is not a walk in the park.

But you need to do this to acquire backlinks.

After you have a complete list of sites that accept guest posts, it’s time to learn their rules. Normally, these platforms will provide a list of requirements you need to fit to place your content. Make sure to read them really carefully to pass the moderation.

Some sites have stricter application rules, and some allow submissions in no particular form.

In either case, remember about common decencies:

  • If the site provides the name of a contact person, use it in your letter,
  • Make sure your email is brief and goes straight to the point,
  • Ensure your article matches the guest posting website's style, topicality, and coverage,
  • Be polite and show what value you can provide for this site, too.

Some blogs even provide ready guest posting outreach templates. You can check them out to get an idea of what you should include in your letter.

guest post template

Anyway, remember that the outreach process is often very lengthy. It can take lots of time, even with sites that accept guest content. So, have patience to pass this uneasy procedure.

Yet, should it be that time-consuming and challenging? Well, no. And we are going to tell you how you can speed up the process.

Use guest posting service to make it all faster

Guest posting is still very vital. Backlink acquisition, brand awareness growth are only a few perks it offers. So, let’s optimize this process for you!

Guest posting service has proved itself to be the most effective way of placing guest content and getting links. Adsy helps thousands of marketers, SEO professionals, and business owners place guest posts on quality sites.

Here’s how you can get started with the guest blogging service.

1. All present sites DO accept guest posts. So you can eliminate the outreach stage. If you don’t operate in the grey or forbidden categories, you have a very high chance of being accepted for the guest post.

2. There are multiple filters that can help you easily find fitting sites. For instance, you can sort sites by your industry - this way, you can not only get quality links but also get referral traffic. Besides, you can work with platforms with high DA (based on Semrush or Moz data).

3. You have many additional options. For example, you can filter the list of sites by publishers you have already worked with. You can cooperate with the Adsy outreach team to ensure the better quality of your tasks.

4. Moreover, you can order content from our writers. This way, you can scale your business, earn backlinks, and grow awareness of your company even if you don’t have a content writing team.

5. There are prices for any pocket. That means you can order guest posts from quality sites with great metrics, yet without breaking the bank. You can serve your SEO needs and continuously improve your site’s position and popularity.

As you can see, a guest blogging platform helps you easily build a strong backlink profile. We’ve tried to take into account all the aspects that might be essential for you.

guest posting service adsy

This way, you have a diverse choice of publishers and sites (and our team hand-checks them). Also, we try to do everything intuitively. Accordingly, you have lots of helpful tooltips, extensive FAQs, and a support team.

So, you are always happy to assist you in placing guest content.


As you can see, guest posting can be a thorny path. Yet, it becomes less complicated if you have a clear understanding of the steps you should follow.

So, let’s sum up. If you want to find the correct sites for guest posting, you need to define:

  • Your target audience,
  • Clearly know your niche,
  • Understand what metrics should be used,
  • What budget are you ready to allocate?

Answer these questions, register at the guest posting service, use the filters, and easily form the list of appropriate sites.

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